Machines for the food processing and packaging industries are often the outcome of customer-specific development projects. The different motion sequences which take place during the production process demand high levels of precision, dynamics and reliability. When a product is manufactured in extremely high volumes, productivity and maximum machine availability are critical. Flexible and simple retooling is a must if multiple products are made on just one line. Safety, too, plays a crucial role in the food industry: food producers therefore place the most stringent demands on hygiene and cleanability. We provide a comprehensive portfolio of drive solutions all along the production line – from manufacturing to packaging of the foods in wet or dry areas. Our highly specific gearheads, servo actuators and motors are breaking new ground in terms of hygiene, compactness, dynamics and precision: they feature an EHEDG-compliant design for optimal cleaning and minimal dirt retention, with protection ratings up to IP69K. Our Hygienic Design gearbox HDV is the first planetary gearhead in the world to earn EHEDG certification. Our cymex® 5 sizing tool ensures optimal integration of the drive technology in the complete machine system while our SIZING ASSISTANT allows fast and simple selection of products online.